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Bizzle Devils Work: Bizzle Christian Hip Hop Artiste and God Over Money (GOM) Lead Artiste has responded to Joyner Lucas’ Devils Work.
Recently Joyner Lucas released a music Video where he questioned God on why He allow good people like 2pac, Biggie, Michael Jackson and the rest died young and let bad people live longer. The video features Joyner drinking inside a church while he is having these conversations with God.
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Bizzle then took it upon himself to reply Joyner with this great jam. He responded to Joyner in a different perspective.
He explained God shouldn’t be questioned that he knows what’s best for human. He also exclaimed that most people Joyner Lucas questioned God about were not even good after all.
This is a must listen to, Download and enjoy.
Click Here for Joyner Lucas’ Version.
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[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eVq1DH95Og”]
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